OM2 Optical Spectrum Analyzer & OM3 Tap Coupler

OM2 Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The OM2 Optical Spectrum Analyzer is used to measure and visualize the wavelength within a DWDM cable and may generate network alarms depending on a number of wavelength related issues. The OM2 is used in combination with the OM3 Optical Tap Coupler module. The passive coupler is inserted into the data path and extracts 1% of the light to its monitor port. The OM2 connects to the monitor port. In practical applications there may be several points in the network that use the OM3 to provide a tap port, while just one or several OM2 may be moved about in the network upon requirements. Besides system surveillance, the unit is also ideally suited for ingress data monitoring in a multi carrier environment.

The OM2 measures each wavelength in the C-Band spectrum and calculates the following optical parameter per channel:

  • Optical power level per wave
  • Exact frequency (deviation from the grid)
  • Signal to noise ratio per wave

Each deviation from a set standard may trigger a management alarm. The OM2 updates all its measurements every second. It is intended for non-stop online monitoring. There are no moving parts inside. The measurement results are available with a graphic front end directly in the management application.OM2 Optical Spectrum Analyzer and OM3 Tap Coupler schematic

The optical signal is spread using a fibre bragg grating in such a way that the spectrum covers a sensor array with 256 individual photo detectors. Each detector covers only a small fraction of the spectrum. Using complex algorithms, the entire analog waveform can be reconstructed and displayed as well as being verified automatically.


  • State-of-the-art design
  • Very high sensitivity (-65dBm)
  • Near instant measurement of the entire C-band at once
  • Measures:
    • Optical power per wave
    • Position of each wavelength
    • Signal-to-noise ratio per wave
  • Passive adaptation ensures network reliability is not compromised
  • SNMP and “nmp” alarm generation
  • Small footprint, designed for nonstop operation (not like a lab unit)
  • Permanent DWDM Surveillance
  • Permanent Fibre Surveillance
  • Detect Aging & Drift
  • EDFA Equalization


Wavelength Range: Operating wavelength 1529nm - 1563nm (DWDM C-Band) / 100GHz grid / 40 channel (50GHz grid version for 80 wavelength channel upon request)
Wavelength Accuracy: Absolute: +/- 50pm, Relative: +/- 30pm
Optical Input Power: -65dBm - -15dBm. Note: OM3 couples 1% of the light out. (20dB attenuated measurement signal. Additional attenuators may be required in certain situations.
Optical Power Accuracy: +/- 0.5dB, resolution 0.1dB
Signal-to-Noise Accuracy: +/- 2dB
Attenuation OM3: Signal path <0.7dB, signal to monitor: 20dB
Dimensions, Weight:

  • OM2: Approx.: 129mm x 50mm x 190mm (H x B x T), ~ 350g
  • OM3: Approx.: 129mm x 50mm x 190mm (H x B x T), ~ 150g

Data Security: Soft-reset or software download does not interrupt the data traffic. Eavesdropping on the data with the purpose of decoding the data is not possible.
Safety and Certifications: CE conform, FCC part 15, DOC, CDRH 21 CFR 1040, Laser class 1M product, no laser source inside

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